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Hawaii FIVE-0

Not that I’ve been keeping this a secret or anything but SURPRISE! I’m running marathon #4. Is it the best idea ever? Probably not but come on y’all – it’s ON my 50th birthday – in HONOLULU and how could I not?

Training starts this week and I had a mid week knee shot* which makes this saturday my first official training run. We will do 7 miles which is what we’ve been doing most weekends post Peachtree. Oh and the WE is David – he’s doing it with me and it will be his first full! We have a few other friends joining us and of course I HAD to do a team logo so…. I’m very pleased to introduce Team Banana Shark! Anyone is welcome to join – you just have to get to Honolulu! Oh and run a marathon!

I’m not really sure what happened with this. I just saw the image and knew it was meant for this purpose LOL

The knee REALLY feels so much better already just from the one shot and I have 2 more coming. It’s basically a joint lubricant for arthritis which they can’t fix with surgery. I blame myself entirely for putting my body through carrying that weight all those years but I’m glad I did it when I did or it may have been past the point of no return.

SO back to point. Marathon training. It’s serious business and it’s hard AF. “Respect the distance” is what I tell people I help train. It’s not like running two half marathons – It’s a different beast altogether. Honolulu is a little different in that it starts really early (5am) and has a generous 8 hour cutoff time which makes it walking friendly but it’s still 26.2 miles and it will be hot and humid as the day goes on. I’m excited for the challenge and to take it on with David by my side. I’ll be even more excited when it’s over and we get to enjoy Honolulu and Kauai and 50 years of me :)

I promise to respect the distance. I promise to do my midweek workouts. I promise to stay hydrated. I promise to stretch. I promise to not be mean. I promise to fuel properly and not eat crap all week as a reward for one run. I promise to enjoy the process. I promise to run the mile I’m in. (if I say it on the internet I have to do it)


Tina (I don’t have a problem and I can stop anytime) Tait

*Disclaimer: The knee shot actually only requires 24 hours rest but I used that as a big fat excuse to not run a single mile this week or do any other workouts. I’m going to yoga tonight which will not make up for missing weekday runs and Saturday will be miserable but I did that to myself!